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The Martian (2015)

The Martian
Movie The Martian (2015)
Real Title The Martian
Rating 7.7
Duration 141 Min
Aired 2015-09-30
Subtitle Eng Subs
Quality Bluray
Sources IMDB | TMDB


United Kingdom, United States of America


DramaAdventureScience Fiction


SpacecraftPlanet marsBased on novel or bookNasaIsolationBotanistAloneSurvivalSpaceEngineeringStrandedAstronautStruggle for survivalDuringcreditsstingerDeep spacePotatoes2030s


Ridley Scott


Matt Damon, Jessica Chastain, Kristen Wiig, Jeff Daniels, Michael Peña, Kate Mara


Drew Goddard


Scott Free Productions, Genre Films, TSG Entertainment, 20th Century Fox


Taglines: Bring Him Home


During a manned mission to Mars, Astronaut Mark Watney is presumed dead after a fierce storm and left behind by his crew. But Watney has survived and finds himself stranded and alone on the hostile planet. With only meager supplies, he must draw upon his ingenuity, wit and spirit to subsist and find a way to signal to Earth that he is alive.


Author: narrator56
I feel like this science fiction movie was a stunning achievement, for at least a couple of reasons. Firstly, for much of the time it is a one man show, and that can be risky in a feature length film. It worked with acclaimed actors Tom Hanks in Cast Away, and with Robert Redford in All is Lost, but could it work with Matt Damon in a sci-fi flick? Well, I answer that question with a resounding ‘yes.’ The movie does cut away to planet Earth and the spaceship returning home without him, so it isn’t all Damon all the time. And some humor is injected here and there to offset the character’s grim situation. I liked the line where he referred to himself as the greatest biologist on the planet. As the only current resident on Mars at that time, he was also the worst biologist on the planet! Another reason this film is remarkable is because there is a lot of science here, which drives the plot as he has to solve continuous problems that arise, not with brute strength or other physical,skills, but with his analytical mind. And yet the details don’t get tedious or overly technical. Oddly enough, it is not a movie I will watch multiple times, as I have lesser robust sci-fI entries such as Super 8 or Monsters, but I plan to watch it at least one more time, just out of appreciation for the solid job that was done in adapting what much must have been a very challenging story to film and have it be both entertaining and informative, both scientific and an amazing adventure.

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